With all due respect to Gordon Gecko (Wall Street), we believe Green, like Greed is Good. More importantly, green when done proactively, unencumbered by government oversight and unimpeded by Eco-wack jobs is the best course for our future as Americans and human beings both.
You see, despite all the panic and screaming, the best way of protecting our environment and our economic prosperity is to turn the private sector loose to drive the market place and create the next generation of technologies that will both save our planet and drive the global economic engine. Of course the true agenda of many who yell the loudest is said to be done in hopes of the former but really to stop the latter, but that's another blog for another day.
Our belief however is that just like World War II, Landing on the Moon, Star Wars and Microsoft, our country is at its best when our backs are against the walls and the private sector is turned loose on it unfettered to solve a problem.
We also believe that greed, like green can be good because the more income the consumer has, the more inclined they are to invest it in products, services and technologies that are good for the planet, sustainable and a good investment. And the more the consumer spends, the more the private sector invests in development of the products that the consumer desires. You think GM and Ford would make 3 mpg SUV's if the consumer didn't want them?
Noted Economist, John Baden stated in an article written in 1999 for the Bridge News entitled, What We Have Learned Since Earth Day, 1970? (http://www.free-eco.org/articleDisplay.php?id=193), “As people become better educated and more wealthy, their demand for a quality environment increases dramatically. Earth Day should promote institutions which recognize this taste for green. This requires innovations which only entrepreneurs, non-profit and for-profit, are likely to deliver. This is not to suggest that wealth gives immunity from ecological ills. For example, trophy homes in sensitive riparian zones and wildlife corridors present serious problems. People, especially rich people, should be held accountable for the consequences of their actions. In general, however, richer is greener.”
We tend to agree with Dr. Baden…
1 comment:
Absolutely right. The best way to solve problems is invest in new techologies and open that market up to competition. The economy benefits and the consumer benefits. In this case all of us ARE the consumer and we need to change the way we live for the good of the environment but we can do proactively where we all benefit or let the government, Eco Terrorists and Hollywood tell us to do it reactively which means we give up many freedoms.
They of course don't they just get to buy carbon credits as a get-of-jail-free card.
Good blog, keep up the contrarian views...
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